On April 27, 2022 Bertha Kasbohm, Key Leader for the Westlock and District 4H Council was presented with a $500.00 Rural Roots Award cheque by the Wild Rose REA Customer Service Manager, Kayla St.Pierre.
Westlock and District 4-H Council:
The Westlock District 4-H has been serving families within the WRREA service area for over 75 years.
The Westlock 4-H serves as a valuable club in our community, teaching Members skills that range from raising, feeding and grooming cattle (market steers cows and calves) along with horsemanship and all of the skills needed to own horses and other animals such as goats.
In addition to this, 4-H teaches valuable skills such as public speaking, record keeping and financial skills!
To learn more about this 4-H club, please visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/111497288923990/
@Westlock District 4-H
