about us
Wild Rose is a not for profit power co-operative.
We are an electrical utility that owns the distribution system and we supply electric energy to our Members.
Wild Rose is Member owned with Members controlling the association by electing a Board of Directors to act on their behalf. As a Member, your vote is your voice. The elected Board of Directors is responsible for the strategic direction, governance, financial oversight and policy.
We are in the business to serve our Members in a way that will benefit them and we strive to offer safe and reliable power with efficient services.
At Wild Rose we can trace our roots back to 1947 when our first service was built. Today Wild Rose is a fully operational Electrical Utility.
Currently our Membership exceeds 2700 members and our Electrical Distribution System is spread across 5 counties.
Wild Rose is one of Alberta’s many REA’s that holds a strong place in Alberta’s history. Our historical roots are formed by the coming together of rural residents in cooperation, organization and hard work, making rural electrification a reality.
Many of our existing Members today, have ties to individuals in the surrounding communities that helped pioneer REA's in Alberta and shape Wild Rose into the resilient organization it is today.

While Rural Electrification Associations were being built, the Alberta government was still struggling with the key policy decision — should power generation and transmission be publicly owned, as the Power Commission had suggested, or should it be privately owned?
This question was put to a plebiscite in 1948, and Alberta residents narrowly voted in favor of the private option. With the question settled, the government continued what the private electric companies had already been promoting — thus encouraging the further formation of REAs.
The first Rural Electrical Association was formed in 1947. By 1951, there were 356 REAs operating. They were, and still are, governed under the Rural Utilities Act.

Years in Business