It is always extremely important to ensure you know where the line is at all times, while working in the field.
Did you know that if you make contact with a powerline in a vehicle or piece of equipment, the ground around it may
be electrified and you could be seriously injured if you get out of the vehicle. Stay inside until the utility workers tell
you it’s safe to get out. Tell everyone to stay back 10 meters (33 feet, about the length of a school bus).
If you have no choice but to exit the vehicle or equipment;
• Check and make sure there are no wires in your way. Stand in the doorway, cross your arms and put your feet
• Jump as far away as possible from the vehicle or equipment and land with both feet together.
• Do not touch the vehicle.
• Keep your arms crossed, feet together and HOP at least 10 meters to safety.
• Always assume a downed line is energized!
Each year, we experience numerous line contacts due to farm equipment getting too close to the line. Please exercise extreme caution while working in the fields. The following tips can help prevent making contact with a powerline;
• Take the time to identify the hazards around you.
• Plan routes in advance.
• Lower large equipment such as grain augers, air seeders and air sprayers during transport under lines.
• Maintain a safe distance between your equipment and any electrical facilities.
If you are ever in doubt when planning your route, please contact the office!
