Did you know that you currently have several items around your home that are using energy even when you are not directly using them?
Estimates say that approximately 25% of household consumption is attributed to electronic devices in stand-by or idle mode. This is commonly known as "Vampire power" when a device is off but is still using power.
Here are the areas in your house where you could be wasting energy:
Living Room: DVR, TV, game consoles, DVD/Blu-Ray player, stereo
Office: Laptop computer, router modem, desktop computer, printer, scanner, speakers
Kitchen: Microwave, coffee maker, water cooler
Around the Home: Alarm clocks, air conditioners, cellphone chargers, tablet charger, tool chargers, battery chargers
When you aren't using the above items, where you can, unplug them to reduce your energy consumption and to cut down on vampire power usage.